
We are inviting you to join us for our annual week of prayer for our public schools. We will start on Sunday, July 30, 2023, at all of our partnering churches to pray specifically for our teachers during our Sunday services. We will then have a daily prayer focus each day that week that we can unite our prayers around. We will conclude the week with two significant prayer events. The first will be on Saturday, August 5th where we will prayer walk around the school’s perimeter and pray on campus for God to move in that school throughout the school year. Secondly, we will conclude the week by praying over all students during our church services on August 6th as they prepare to return to school the following week. As we unite in prayer we are believing that the Spirit of God will fight back against the spirit of darkness and evil that is trying to take over our schools. We’re inviting you to join us in this endeavor to see our schools covered by Christians that are united in prayer.

If your church would like to download resources and artwork to advertise these events on your social media pages and during your Sunday services please go to Resources and click on “Digital Media Church Packet”. You are permitted to use these graphics in any public setting for the purpose of promoting United In Prayer to your church members and social media audience.

July 30th - Praying for Teachers*

July 31st - Praying for Bus Drivers 

August 1st - Praying for School Board and Superintendent

August 2nd - Praying for Parents 

August 3rd - Praying for Support Staff (Cafeteria Workers, Janitors, Grounds Keepers, Etc.) 

August 4th -  Praying for School Administration

August 5th - Praying over Campuses**

August 6th - Praying for Students*

* Corporate prayer happening at partnering churches during church services. 

** Prayer happening at school locations. Please contact school principals for permission.